Bancar Kembar, Purwokerto Utara, Banyumas
Currently there is one IX accessible from 1 facilities within 1 addresses that appear within PeeringDB. This IX, Banyumas Internet Exchange, has 4 ASNs.
First Appearance on NV Research: December 18, 2023
At the time of NV Research's initial archiving, there was one IX accessible from 1 facilities within 1 addresses that appeared within PeeringDB. This IX, Banyumas Internet Exchange, had 4 ASNs.
City location:
Bancar Kembar, Purwokerto Utara, Banyumas, CENTRAL JAVA - Internet Exchanges by Location Address
Address | IX`s @ | Facilities @ | IX Name: | Banyumas Internet Exchange |
# of ASNs*: | 4 | |||
Jalan Gunung Salak, no 22 | 1 | ✔ |
Bancar Kembar, Purwokerto Utara, Banyumas, CENTRAL JAVA - Networks by Internet Exchange
Networks (ASN’s) are listed as “accessible” via an IX. Accessibility is on a VLAN basis. This does not imply that the networks are physically present in the Facility. To know if a network accessible on an IX is also physically present in the same Facility as the IX, see the "AS Network Accessibility by Facility" table below this table.
Network Name (ASN) | #IX`s | IX Name: | Banyumas Internet Exchange |
# of ASNs*: | 4 | ||
Banyumas IX Route Servers (203693) | 1 | ✔ | |
Atha Media Prima (139989) | 1 | ✔ | |
Atha Media Network (211459) | 1 | ✔ | |
Atha Internet Nusantara (149938) | 1 | ✔ |

All data is courtesy of Live data is refreshed nightly. If you see innacurate data for your organization, or your organizaion is missing, please update or create your profile at and allow 24 hours for this table to update.
This table is in the process of updating with live data. You are viewing an archived data table from the time of the article. Please check back in a few minutes for live data.
All data is courtesy of Live data is refreshed nightly. If you see innacurate data for your organization, or your organizaion is missing, please update or create your profile at and allow 24 hours for this table to update.
Bancar Kembar, Purwokerto Utara, Banyumas, CENTRAL JAVA - AS Network Accessibility by Facility
Network/ASN | Jalan Gunung Salak, no 22 |
Banyumas Internet Exchange | |
Banyumas IX Route Servers (203693) | B |
Atha Media Prima (139989) | B |
Atha Media Network (211459) | B |
Atha Internet Nusantara (149938) | B |

All data is courtesy of Live data is refreshed nightly. If you see innacurate data for your organization, or your organizaion is missing, please update or create your profile at and allow 24 hours for this table to update.
This table is in the process of updating with live data. You are viewing an archived data table from the time of the article. Please check back in a few minutes for live data.
All data is courtesy of Live data is refreshed nightly. If you see innacurate data for your organization, or your organizaion is missing, please update or create your profile at and allow 24 hours for this table to update.
Bancar Kembar, Purwokerto Utara, Banyumas, CENTRAL JAVA - Facility Owners With Access to Internet Exchanges
The following list includes all of the facility owners (organizations) for the facilities found in this page's data. This list is automatically updated daily as the tables above update.
NOTE: For an organization to appear in this list, they must have at least one facility related to their organization in PeeringDB, and at least one of those facility must be in the geographic area defined in this article.