Meet Me in Barcelona

Internet Exchanges


Currently there are a total of 3 IX’s accessible from 2 facilities within 2 addresses that appear within PeeringDB. The largest, CATNIX, has 47 ASNs and the smallest, Equinix Barcelona, has 9. The difference between the largest and 2nd largest, DE-CIX Barcelona with 39 ASNs, is 8.

First Appearance on NV Research: April 25, 2024

At the time of NV Research's initial archiving, there were a total of 3 IX’s accessible from 2 facilities within 2 addresses that appeared within PeeringDB. The largest, CATNIX, had 43 ASNs and the smallest, Equinix Barcelona, had 8. The difference between the largest and 2nd largest, DE-CIX Barcelona with 33 ASNs, was 10.

City location:

City Location Map

Barcelona - Internet Exchanges by Location Address

AddressIX`s @Facilities @IX Name:CATNIXDE-CIX BarcelonaEquinix Barcelona
   # of ASNs*:47399
Carrer de l'Acer 30-323
Gran Capita, 2 - 4 (Edifici Nexus)1

Barcelona - Networks by Internet Exchange

Networks (ASN’s) are listed as “accessible” via an IX. Accessibility is on a VLAN basis. This does not imply that the networks are physically present in the Facility. To know if a network accessible on an IX is also physically present in the same Facility as the IX, see the "AS Network Accessibility by Facility" table below this table.

Network Name (ASN) #IX`s IX Name:CATNIXDE-CIX BarcelonaEquinix Barcelona
    # of ASNs*:47399
Hurricane Electric (6939) 3  
Microsoft (8075) 3  
Cloudflare (13335) 3  
Netskope (55256) 3  
PCH AS3856 (3856) 2   
Google LLC (15169) 2   
Altecom (16030) 2   
Meta (32934) 2   
Equinix as15830 (15830) 2   
Adamo Telecom Iberia S.A (35699) 2   
Aire Networks del Mediterraneo (29119) 2   
PCH AS42 (42) 2   
ECONOCOM CLOUD SL (24592) 2   
AFR-IX Telecom (60171) 2   
WARIAN (56911) 2   
bitNAP Datacenter (43578) 2   
everyWAN (33932) 2   
NEAR IP (49600) 2   
GLUTEC (202550) 2   
Akamai Technologies (20940) 1    
Colt (8220) 1    
RCS & RDS (8708) 1    
Claranet (8426) 1    
M247 (9009) 1    
RIPE NCC RIS Project (12654) 1    
NTT Global IP Network (2914) 1    
IP-Max SA (25091) 1    
Sarenet, S.A. (3262) 1    
CSUC (13041) 1    
Hetzner Online (24940) 1    
Acens Technologies (16371) 1    
Fundació (49835) 1    
RedIRIS/ (766) 1    
Equinix Internet Exchange - MLPE Route Servers (24115) 1    
Vorboss Limited (25160) 1    
Gamma Comunicaciones Integrales (29680) 1    
ADAM (15699) 1    
Thales/Imperva (19551) 1    
Huge Networks (264409) 1    
DE-CIX Services (51531) 1    
CATNIX Services (49638) 1    
VeriSign Global Registry Services (26415) 1    
T-Systems ITC Iberia S.A. (30892) 1    
DNS-OARC-112 (112) 1    
Vodafone España (12430) 1    
Veepee (former VENTE-PRIVEE.COM) (60350) 1    
Orange Spain (12479) 1    
ISC F-ROOT BCN1 (33072) 1    
Telefonica de España (3352) 1    
DE-CIX Academy Educational Network (196610) 1    
LYNTIA NETWORKS (Backbone) (12541) 1    
CTTI (39551) 1    
Institut Municipal d'Informatica (IMI) (60314) 1    
CATNIX Route Servers (60082) 1    
TELMEKOM (49088) 1    
FogNet - iFog GmbH (34927) 1    
Altercom-21 (206404) 1    
Operadors Quilometre Zero (210321) 1    
Infinity Telecom (49121) 1    
BGP.Tools Route Collector (212232) 1    
DE-CIX Barcelona Route Servers (57802) 1    
[AS141978] ABS - AKSES BERSAMA SEDAYA (141978) 1    
Altanetica (60273) 1    
MEGA New Zealand (205809) 1    
WEDOS Global (208414) 1    
AD SYSTEMS (197483) 1    
PISTACERO (212190) 1    
DE-CIX Monitoring (205529) 1    

All data is courtesy of Live data is refreshed nightly. If you see innacurate data for your organization, or your organizaion is missing, please update or create your profile at and allow 24 hours for this table to update.

Barcelona - AS Network Accessibility by Facility

B = Both Physically at the Facility and Accessible via the IX
P = Physically at the Facility
V = VLAN Accessible via the IX
Network/ASNCarrer de l'Acer 30-32Carrer de l'Acer 30-32Carrer de l'Acer 30-32Gran Capita, 2 - 4 (Edifici Nexus)
CATNIXDE-CIX BarcelonaEquinix BarcelonaCATNIX
Hurricane Electric (6939)BBBV
Microsoft (8075)BBBV
Cloudflare (13335)BBBV
Netskope (55256)VVVV
PCH AS3856 (3856)VVV
Google LLC (15169)VVV
Altecom (16030)BBPB
Meta (32934)BBPV
Equinix as15830 (15830)VVV
Adamo Telecom Iberia S.A (35699)BBPV
Aire Networks del Mediterraneo (29119)BBPB
PCH AS42 (42)VVV
AFR-IX Telecom (60171)BBPV
bitNAP Datacenter (43578)VVV
everyWAN (33932)PBB
GLUTEC (202550)VVV
Akamai Technologies (20940)BPPV
Colt (8220)BPPB
RCS & RDS (8708)PBP
Claranet (8426)BPPV
M247 (9009)BPPV
RIPE NCC RIS Project (12654)VV
NTT Global IP Network (2914)BPPV
IP-Max SA (25091)V
Sarenet, S.A. (3262)BPPV
CSUC (13041)BPPB
Hetzner Online (24940)V
Acens Technologies (16371)VV
Fundació (49835)BPPV
RedIRIS/ (766)VB
Equinix Internet Exchange - MLPE Route Servers (24115)V
Vorboss Limited (25160)PBP
Gamma Comunicaciones Integrales (29680)BPPV
ADAM (15699)BPPV
Thales/Imperva (19551)BPPV
Huge Networks (264409)V
DE-CIX Services (51531)V
CATNIX Services (49638)BPPB
VeriSign Global Registry Services (26415)VV
T-Systems ITC Iberia S.A. (30892)BPPV
DNS-OARC-112 (112)V
Vodafone España (12430)VV
Veepee (former VENTE-PRIVEE.COM) (60350)PBP
Orange Spain (12479)BPPV
Telefonica de España (3352)VV
DE-CIX Academy Educational Network (196610)V
LYNTIA NETWORKS (Backbone) (12541)BPPV
CTTI (39551)VV
Institut Municipal d'Informatica (IMI) (60314)BPPV
CATNIX Route Servers (60082)BPPB
FogNet - iFog GmbH (34927)V
Altercom-21 (206404)V
Operadors Quilometre Zero (210321)BPPV
Infinity Telecom (49121)BPPV
BGP.Tools Route Collector (212232)V
DE-CIX Barcelona Route Servers (57802)V
Altanetica (60273)V
MEGA New Zealand (205809)PPB
WEDOS Global (208414)V
AD SYSTEMS (197483)V
DE-CIX Monitoring (205529)V

All data is courtesy of Live data is refreshed nightly. If you see innacurate data for your organization, or your organizaion is missing, please update or create your profile at and allow 24 hours for this table to update.

Barcelona - Facility Owners With Access to Internet Exchanges

The following list includes all of the facility owners (organizations) for the facilities found in this page's data. This list is automatically updated daily as the tables above update.

NOTE: For an organization to appear in this list, they must have at least one facility related to their organization in PeeringDB, and at least one of those facility must be in the geographic area defined in this article.


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